1 min read • Case Study •

A COVID Lifeboat-shaped Website

During the COVID-19 lockdown period, Melbournian university student Amy Silver and her father decided to get creative by setting out to make the best choc chip cookie they could.

Using family members as taste testers, they crafted delicious, chocolatey cookies they couldn’t stop eating.

This project was a wonderful occupation for me while being stuck in lockdown in Sydney. The fact that it also helped save Amy's father's catering company makes this project particularly close to my heart.

Client: The Dough Co.

  • What We Did

    • A-Z Shopify Build
    • Theme Customisation
    • Payments & Checkout
  • With a Helping Hand From

    • Shopify
    • Figma
    • GoDaddy
    • Google Analytics
    • Google PageSpeed

The Brief

Amy had a very specific image in mind of what she wanted the website to look like. Having a clear branding deck, she provided me with the typeface, logo, brand colours, as well as a sketch of what she wanted each page to look like.

I had my work cut out for me.

The Challenge

While this project didn't present significant obstacles, it required meticulous attention to detail to ensure everything was executed flawlessly. Achieving this level of perfection is time-consuming, but it is essential to meet the high standards I like to hold myself to. This dedication to precision ensures that every aspect of the project aligns perfectly with the client's vision and needs.

The Result

Both the client and I were very pleased with the outcome. By not investing in a paid theme, we were able to save the client some budget, which was then allocated for publicity and marketing. The website achieved a magazine-like vibe, which was the goal all along.

  • Highly recommend! Saro went above and beyond and made the most amazing website for my business! I would definitely use him again.

    Amy Silver, co-Founder